A short cigar that burns for a good hour means a cigar that is well-made and well-packed with high-quality, straight-ligero, long filler tobaccos. Operating on the theory that every cigar burns to a point that is known as the “sweet spot,” Oliva sought to create a cigar that provides the smoker with a stick that finds this moment from the very first puff and stays there until the end. Using their inimitable blend of Nicaraguan tobaccos for the fillers and binder, and offering a choice of Habana, Cameroon, Connecticut or Maduro wrappers, the people behind Cain have created a cigar that goes where none have gone before. Spicy and, unusually, fruity, with hints of cedar, the full-bodied Cain Nub is a marvelous treat. This is a big cigar in a compact delivery system that will satisfy the most attentive aficionado.